I am a firm believer in writing things down—especially our thoughts, our ideas, and our goals. There are many studies that discuss the cognitive benefits of writing things down. If you don’t believe us, perhaps these famous and successful entrepreneurs will help you appreciate—even convince you to begin journaling. Richard Branson How often have you forgotten things? With our busy days and tight schedules, it is so easy to forget. Writing them down will help you remember them better. At the beginning of 2017, Sir Richard Branson penned an article dispensing his one important tip for the year: keep a pen and notebook, and write your ideas down. What kind of things does he write down? “Ever since I was...
Several studies have already confirmed the cognitive and stress-relieving benefits of journaling. Writing things down helps boost memory and I am a firm believer that writing something down is remembering it twice. Journaling or writing thoughts down also brings you into a state of mindfulness, you’d be surprised how those few minutes of journaling actively engages your subconscious, and at the same time, relieves you of anxiety by allowing you to focus on what matters most at that particular moment.But while many understand the merits of journaling, some may find a blank page intimidating. What should I write down? Surprisingly, there are a lot of things that you can write down. Your thoughts. Your goals. Your plans. Even just the...
I have been asked many times how I came about the idea of creating MY Journal. Back in 2012 my life was a mess. I was stressed, very unhappy, and didn’t know where to turn. Every aspect of my life seemed to be going in the wrong direction. I felt disconnected from my friends, undervalued at work and nothing was going my way. Sounds familiar? I remember being on the phone to a good friend, pouring my heart out proclaiming how stuck I felt. She quickly and calmly said to me, "I'll post something to you, look out for it in the post in the next few days". Two days later the book ‘The Artist’s Way’ by Julia Cameron arrived...
What would normally come to mind if I suggested that you keep a journal? ‘Dear Diary…’? It’s a bit American High School movie, isn’t it? We may consider journal keeping as the activity of an angst-stricken teenage girl – but what if that teenager was onto something? Keeping a journal is simply the articulation of certain events, emotions, thoughts and feelings into written words. The benefits of keeping a journal range from clearing your headspace after a busy day to improving your mental and physical health. ‘Keeping a journal of what’s going on in your life is a good way to help you distil what’s important and what’s not’ Martina Navratilova Journaling is a great way to practice mindfulness and with...