It’s time to build a personal development routine for our personal growth. Not one that is full of unrealistic expectations and pressure, but one that nourishes your mental health and wellbeing, and is mindful of who you are and your goals for growth in all areas of life. Personal development activities develop our capabilities, potential, productivity and quality of life. They help us assess our life goals and realise our dreams and aspirations. Here is our guide to how you can build these activities into a daily routine.
Make the time for it
Setting aside some time everyday to focus on your personal growth is key if you want to see the difference in your development. Just 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the evening to do the following can be a good start. Like most things we want to achieve in life, consistency and working at it every day is key.
Assess your Wheel of Life
The first thing you can do in your personal development routine is to take a clear look at what your life is like right now, from every perspective. Use your Wheel of Life to put a pin on where you are in this present moment.
Look at the things that are currently bringing you joy, and the things making you unhappy. Consider the people you are surrounding yourself with - if you are comfortable being 100% yourself around them, if they encourage you to be good to others, hold you accountable, applaud your accomplishments, and support you when you make mistakes.
Take a look at your career, if you’re feeling appreciated, acknowledged and fairly compensated at work. Ask yourself if you are doing enough to help and support others, whether it’s your loved ones, communities or the people you come across in your daily life.
Think about how much gratitude and care you’re expressing for the nature around you. There are endless ways to assess the different aspects of your life, so this may take a while. Spending 10 minutes to do so can make all the difference.
Take the time to dream big
Visualisation has been proven to boost mental health, wellbeing and productivity. It can also make a great addition to your personal development routine. Dedicate some time every day to closing your eyes and picturing the type of personal growth you want to achieve. Perhaps you want to have more empathy, be kinder, more understanding, for example, so think about what that looks like and imagine how it will impact your relationships.
Use your planner to get organised and write down the things you plan to accomplish. Dedicate time to create to-do lists, and schedule in tasks that go towards achieving your goals, so you have no way of them slipping your mind. It also feel great to see all the things you have accomplished along the way.
Do routine check-ins
As part of your personal development, you want to make sure that you are in line with your hopes, goals and dreams. Use journaling to track the steps you are taking towards your growth. Note down the ways you can improve, what you have learnt and the things you are doing well.
Practice gratitude
Daily gratitude practice in your personal development routine can lead to more appreciation for the people and environment around you. Our 30 Day Gratitude and Mindfulness Cards, for example, are great tools to help you feel thankful for the blessings you have been given.
Implement the things you have learnt
Everything you learn here needs to be put into practice for you to experience development as a human being. Make it your intention to actively put into action the things you learn. For example, if your daily Gratitude card theme is nature, go out to a public park the next day and bask in the sun for 20 minutes.
These tips will help you build the personal development routine that is perfect for you. Remember that it will take time and practice before you see results, but enjoy the lessons you learn and tips you gain from the process, and you will soon start to feel the growth and development that comes from it.
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