Every once in a while, think about the ways you can give back and contribute to society. No matter how big or small your act of kindness is, it is guaranteed to boost the mental health and well-being of you and the people it impacts.
In our journals, we encourage you to reflect on your Contributions, whether it's the gifts and talents you can share with others or the time, money, or support you can donate, because it encourages you to embrace gratitude and be mindful of the communities you are a part of. And let's be honest, it feels great and makes you feel happy to do something nice for others.
Here are 20 ways you can start and help increase those endorphins /happy hormones:
- Join a mentorship program to help a young person in your community
- Smile at 5 strangers
- Donate blood at a blood bank or blood drive to help sick or injured people
- Make your coworker a cup of tea or coffee without them asking
- Plant a tree at a green space where it is permitted
- Ask a friend how they are doing, and give them your full attention
- Complement 3 people a day
- Buy from small and/or local businesses
- Hold the door open for someone
- Pick up all the litter you walk past and put it in the bin
- Volunteer at a community organisation, such as a food bank or local hospice
- Write someone who has supported you a thank you note
- Get your loved one something on their wish list
- Bring some snacks and treats into work for your colleagues
- See if your workplace can offer internships to your local schools
- Give up your seat for someone
- Leave a positive review for a service you use
- Donate books and clothes you no longer need
- Recycle as much as you can
- Send a friend some flowers
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